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The Perfect Timber mallard call in polycarbonate camo is an incredible value for such a quality sounding call.  Tuned for a raspy tone.  It is designed not to stick or freeze when blown.  The Perfect Timber has ample sound variability; from top-end and loud attention-getting calls, to soft and subtle calling for finishing mallards.  Thousands of hunters have bought and use this call for the quality sound that is comparable to a much more expensive call.


Reed Selection:

Available in a single reed or a double reed configuration.  The single reed will be slightly louder and clearer.  The double reed includes both a mylar and our well known Metal T-Reed #3.  When this metal reed vibrates it produces a raspier and duckier sound that you would otherwise growl/grunt to produce - so in effect it makes a better sounding and easier to use call.


Camo Selection: 

Available in TrueTimber® DRT camo; Mossy Oak® Duckblind camo; and Mossy Oak® Bottomland camo

Perfect Timber Poly Camo Mallard Call


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